Cause Cancer!
Kill You!But Are They HARAM?
First of all - "Is smoking Haram?"
Yes - Smoking Is Haram!
It is very Haram even before you worry about the lung cancer, stomach cancer, face and skin cancer and death of fetus inside the mother's womb and cancer for those who have to breath the second hand poisoned air from cigarette smoke.
Here is what we read from Sydney Australia: Many warnings appear on the cigarette packages themselves - Take a look for yourself.
'It just puts into hard relief the problem that the tobacco industry is not required to declare the ingredients of cigarettes - they say "that's our business and a trade secret".'
The filters are not effective at blocking toxic chemicals before they entered a smoker's lungs.
Professor Chapman said that although some tobacco companies had voluntarily published a list of the contents in their cigarettes on websites, they also noted undisclosed 'processing aids' in the finished product.
One scholar we talked to said, "Why do Muslims only worry about their meat being halal?"
Then he continued saying, "Because smoking is already haram, due to causing cancer in the smokers and those who have to breath the second hand smoke, and causing birth defects in new born babies. But the only concern is about your meat being halal?"
He also said, "Does this mean if we want Muslims stay away from alcohol or gambling or smoking - we just tell them it is not zabihah (halal slaughter)?"
But that is the least of your problems with these "smoke bombs"!
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