DATELINE - October, 2014 - Ground Rules for At-Tawheed (monotheism)

Just learn basics and stay with that as much as you can. The other things will all be according to Allah's Plan and if He wants us to know something, we'll find out.
Don't push for this kind of information, because it can drive a person insane and loose their way from Islam.
God ~ WHO?

Be able to answer any question about monotheism of Islam instantly without hesitation. That is what is needed more than anything else.
- Example 1:
Someone asks you about "Predestination" and says, "How can everything be predetermined, and we have no control over it, but then we would be rewarded or punished because of what happened?"
- Example 2:
A person says to you, "If there is a God, and God is good - then how come innocent people, men, women and little children are killed in avalanches, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes?"
- Example 3:
A lady says to you, "How come a man can have 4 wives, but a woman can have only one husband?"
- Example 4:
Same lady asks, "How come women don't have equal rights to men in Islam?"
- Example 5:
A scientist says, "Why do you believe in God - something you can not prove, can't see, can't hear, can't touch, smell or taste - and there is nothing to prove anything except fantasies?"
- Example 6:
An old man says, "If your God is really good and He wants good for people, why doesn't He just forgive them and be done with it?"
- Example 7:
Teacher asks you, "Why do you pray toward a black box in the desert? Why pray 5 times a day? Why do you have to get all wet first? Why pray at all? Doesn't God know your heart?"
- Example 8:
A store clerk asks, "Can your God do anything? Can He make a rock so heavy nothing can move it? - Even He can't move it?"
- Example 9:
Your best friend, a Muslim, says, "My girlfriend is not a Muslim, but she's very nice. Why would God put her in Hell Fire, but she didn't do anything bad?"

Many new questions and answers (for everyone) ~
Ladies, Women & Girls ~
More on: ~