Wife: Complete or Finish?

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Complete or Finshed
What's the Question?


Only after Islam comes do we understand the meaning of words on a deeper level.

Consider these two words: COMPLETE and FINISHED

English dictionaries do not seem to make much distinction between these two words. Often times you will find them listing the words as similar meanings to each other.

However, when we study the relationship of marriage to the religion in Islam, we find that marriage completes a person's deen (way of life).

And having more than one wife at a time can do even more, as follows.

This is what someone sent to me and it really made me chuckle:

No dictionary in English seems to properly explain the difference between these words "COMPLETE" and "FINISHED". Some people even say, "There is no difference between "COMPLETE" and "FINISHED".

However, in Islam we are able to better understand the difference between them and more important, the combination of them together.

According to what we know in Islam:

"When a man marries the right woman - He is COMPLETE"

And . .

"When a man marries the wrong woman - He is FINISHED"

And more . .

"When the right woman catches him with the wrong woman - He is COMPLETELY FINISHED"

Enjoy this life in moderation and hope for the best in the Next Life from your Creator . .

Peace - Salam alaykum.

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#7 Ibrahim Shalayel 2012-06-27 07:08
In Islam, the relation between man and wife is Complementary, not competitive...
#6 mohammad 2012-06-27 05:17
thanks dear Wish Allah bless you:-)))))
#5 Luthfan Pratama 2012-06-27 04:33
masyaAllah.. very true syeikh, jazakAllah khair.. :-)
#4 syaifuddin 2012-06-27 04:17
thats true, completely finished. ;p, some women have left punches like oscar the la hoya.
#3 Damoun 2012-06-27 04:06

You nailed it! Great Stuff!

I love you for the sake of Allah. May Allah grant you health, peace and prosperity.

& It was pleasure to see at Dubai Peace Convenstion.
#2 Ali Hassan 2012-06-27 02:10
We Print
Awesome Jazak ALLAH sheikh
#1 Bu SaaD 2012-06-27 00:26
salam alaikum

Haha @ completely finished.
Nice One.
True Indeed

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