Makkah Imam Makes Dua for Syria

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Imam Warns Oppressive Leaders:
Fire You Make Will Burn You

This was in today's -- MAKKAH/MADINAH: ARAB NEWS

The Imam and Khatib at the Grand Mosque Sheikh Osama Khayyat comforted the Syrian people, wilting under the oppression of the tyrannical regime of President Bashar Assad, by reciting verses of the Holy Qur’an saying Almighty Allah sends solace soon after hard times.

The imam made these comments while addressing the congregation at the Grand Mosque in Makkah on Friday.

“So, surely, with every difficulty there is relief,” the sheikh said, quoting a verse of chapter Al-Sharah of the Holy Qur’an, adding that their miseries will end soon and a new era of peace and prosperity is awaiting them.

The imam said the above quoted verse is a promise to all believers suffering in any part of the world that Allah’s mercy will descend on them if only they are patient, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The sheikh also exhorted the people to be God-fearing and not to lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Khayyat urged people to increase their supplications to the Almighty especially with prayers such as “O Lord, broaden my heart and make matters easy for me…” This was the prayer Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) made when he had to confront the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt single-handedly at the early stage of his mission.

At the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, Imam and Khatib Sheikh Salah Al-Budair slammed the international community for not taking any effective action to stop the bloodshed and sufferings in Syria and other parts of the world.

“What have the countries that claim to maintain peace and lead the world done to solve the issues of the countries that are languishing in poverty, illiteracy and divisions,” the sheikh wondered in his sermon to the congregation comprising mostly pilgrims from different corners of the world.

“The governments that lead the international bodies do not have any conscience that impels them to end wars and clashes or take steps to ensure justice to those who are victims of injustice, disease and hunger in the world,” the imam said.

The imam did not mince words when he said some advanced countries exploit the sufferings of the Muslims as an occasion to market highly destructive weapons. “They are playing with the future of nations and they are not moved by the killings and torture of the innocents. They are interested only in profiting from contracts and deals,” the sheikh said.

He also blamed world powers for creating divisions and wars in poor countries to protect their interests.

The sheikh warned the political leaders that if they continue manipulating wars and perpetuate hunger and illiteracy the very same fire they created would consume them.

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#6 Farhan N. Dimaru 2012-03-11 17:54
Assalamo Alaikom,__To: Yacine Helali__The king in Saudi Arabia has to protect the two Holy Mosques that is why he is very careful in making decisions, he always makes sure that his decision would not harm the places where the fifth pillar of Islam is performed every year which is the HAJJ. secondly, if a war occurs in Saudi Arabia then i think that is already the end of the world and the Islam because nobody could perform, HAJJ, nobody could perform the fifth pillar of Islam which is done every year. and I could not imagine that the practice for Hajj is no more. Allah will never permit that i think.
#5 Mohammed Hamada 2012-03-11 07:21
Inshalah they will burn in Hell for what they did to people of suffering and hungering them.

These such as bashar, mubarak..etc think they are the guards of their countries but the only thing they are good at is killing the weak.
#4 Cari 2012-03-11 06:24
I'm very happy that the Imam is brave enough to say things that Allah swt puts in his heart. ITs important to remember that the Imam isn;t speaking for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also isn;t speaking about others with the exclusion of the kingdom. He is a servant of Allah acting in that capacity speaking to the other believers about what is right and what is wrong and what Allah has said to us about his promises here and in the hereafter,
#3 Aya 2012-03-11 00:20
Salam, Yacine,

Actually, (and I'm not from Saudi), the people here make duaa and cry FOR their rulers (and I've seen them). The rulers do not oppress their own people.... and they aid them financially as well... nonetheless they do need to become PHYSICAL in helping Syria (ie they need to fight, not just talk)
#2 Eve Dennawi 2012-03-10 16:14
Assalamualykum i know the question isnt addressed to me but to brother Yacine helali u totally missed the point of th story..your qustion is a total differnt subject
#1 yacine helali 2012-03-10 12:42
Assalam alaykoum dear Yusuf Estes,

JazakAllahu khayr for sharing this, but I'm a bit perplex about this, since Saudi is itself not a good example at all! There's a lot to be said about its King and the oppressions he exerts on its own people.

We also know Imams there aren't free to express critical views as such.

What do you think?

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