Suicide: 10 yr old boy - Why?

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Kids Suicides Increase in U.S.
Children Kill Themselves??
Do They Go To Hell?


News Flash from Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10 year old boy KILLS HIMSELF.

It was Saturday night when his mother went in to check on him and found him dead, in their home near 7th and Chambers on the north side of Milwaukee.

The child's mother tried to wake him but was unable get any movement out of him. Her efforts were in vain and she called emergency 911 for assistance, but it was too late.

Investigation continues regarding the circumstances related to his death.

What causes a child, not even having reached puberty, to take their own life? How could this be happening here in America?

What does Islam say about people who take their own lives? What about children who commit suicide? Are there answers?

We wanted to know if there is anything in the teachings of Islam to shed light on such a strange thing as children killing themselves. Here is some of what we found:

  • Children are all born in a perfect state of submission to God in "aslama" (as Muslims). Their parents are the ones who will raise them in whatever religion they want them to be, whether Jew, Christian or fire-worshipper.
  • Any child who dies will do to heaven (jennah), regardless of the religion of the parents.
  • The child will be in paradise with prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, and will be praying to Almighty God for his parents to be with him in Heaven.
But on the other hand, what about anyone who takes their own life by committing suicide? What does Islam say about that?
  • Islam forbids believers from destroying themselves by their own hand.
  • Whoever takes their own life, will be in the Hell-Fire Forever.

Now the question is, in a case like this, where a 10 year old child takes their own life, kills himself by committing suicide, what happens?

Will he go to paradise to be with the prophet Abraham, peace be upon him? Or will he go to Hell-Fire forever? Does Islam have the answer?

(Answer tomorrow after dhuhr, inshallah)

Meantime, please leave your comments and let us see how close we can come to the correct answer from Islamic Shariah.




#8 boyman 2012-01-11 14:18
why would he do that we really want to know please thumbs up if you liked my speech
#7 Julie 2012-01-01 20:11
I am sorry to say it is not difficult to imagine a 10 year old committing suicide. Being raised in a non-Muslim (Christian) home, I had good parents but the children at school tormented me for being overweight to the point I wanted to die earliest thoughts of suicide around 8 years old. Being bullied is enough to push a child over the edge especially when adults in control (teachers/princ ipal) won't do anything. Whereas if an adult is harassed like children are bullied the harasser could be arrested. Why aren't children afforded the same rights? Children have to endure emotional and sometimes physical pain to the point they are traumatized. Alhamdulilah, in my heart I was always a Muslim because I only ever believed in one God and that suicide would displease my creator. Be sure to talk to your children about being bullied and bullying!
#6 sk 2011-12-15 04:31
One of the signs of judgment day tribulations will prevail. no one knows the fate of non-Muslim children (who are not pubescent). Only Allah knows.
#5 neocortex91 2011-12-07 05:23
What was the method used? How did this child have knowledge and accessibility to the method? Was this a bully or domestic violence victim?
I found site for islamic answers
I don't trust main stream media anymore (do you?)
#4 no one knows whats after death 2011-12-07 05:21
who nos the answer? only dead people no and they are dead, so they don't no.
i don't to kill myself but what difference it make?
Is there a hell or a heaven or does anyone no?
i want to see what the answer is.
#3 Dua pray for family to get guided 2011-12-07 05:18
Our thoughts and prayers are with mom, dad and family. Tragic. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking of it. Life is so precious...and too short as it is. Don't take a single day for granted. Tell your loved one's how much you love them everyday.
#2 karrie90 2011-12-07 05:17
I am so mad to hear yet again another child ending their life. It is so heart breaking to have to hear such news. My prayers go out to the family and to their 10 year old son. When is this going to stop happening to our children.
Why don't parents teach their children of the purpose of life? I found article on for answers.
#1 AngeliaC 2011-12-07 05:14
This is horrible!!!! What would make a 10 year old want to committ suicide?? I pray for his family and friends that they may find some comfort.

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