Funny Sheik (Yusuf Estes video)

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Very Funny Australia Program
yusuf funny4
With Yusuf Estes

(oooooops! we are working on this problem - check back later few minutes please)

[meantime - watch this one - very funny]

Watch This Amusing Video with Yusuf Estes --
In his last program while visiting Australia..

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#8 Imran 2011-11-08 17:42
Islam doesn't stop people from having a good laugh especially at themselves! The Sheikh is doing nothing wrong, get over it!
#7 Another way to see this.. 2011-11-05 14:35
ASA, everyone!

Just go to youtube, and look for Yusuf Estes converts to islam (or priests and preachers go to islam australia)

good luck in finding it.

#6 syed 2011-11-01 12:06
it goes back to the same page, no matter where you click - on the pic. or on the topic. doesn't take you to the video. pl help, thanks.
#5 ferguson 2011-10-15 07:43
Honestly Mujtahad lighten up ... you are just looking to start an issue where no issue exists. Out of all the brilliant caring educational work he does for everyone all over the world, I find it shameful and very un-islamic that you are focusing on one thing you don't like? Very inappropriate. Someone does 100000000000 good things and 1 think that you question, and you focus on the 1 thing, that is wrong. He is serious when he needs to be, you obviously don't watch his videos, he is very serious and very inspirational and teaches well, he is also caring and witty and likes to make ppl feel at ease and has a wonderful sense of humor. You opinion is incorrect. you need to do some study on your prophet muhammad (pbuh) he had a wonderful sense of humor. May Allah (swt) bless you always sheikh Estes for all the tiredless work you do all over the world and bring and teach Islam to so many. May Allah (swt) bless you and your family and the whole entire Muslim ummah and mankind. Please come to sydney, australia!!!
#4 ferguson 2011-10-15 07:43
Honestly Mujtahad lighten up ... you are just looking to start an issue where no issue exists. Out of all the brilliant caring educational work he does for everyone all over the world, I find it shameful and very un-islamic that you are focusing on one thing you don't like? Very inappropriate. Someone does 100000000000 good things and 1 think that you question, and you focus on the 1 thing, that is wrong. He is serious when he needs to be, you obviously don't watch his videos, he is very serious and very inspirational and teaches well, he is also caring and witty and likes to make ppl feel at ease and has a wonderful sense of humor. You opinion is incorrect. you need to do some study on your prophet muhammad (pbuh) he had a wonderful sense of humor. May Allah (swt) bless you always sheikh Estes for all the tiredless work you do all over the world and bring and teach Islam to so many. May Allah (swt) bless you and your family and the whole entire Muslim ummah and mankind. Please come to sydney, australia!!!
#3 amzing 2011-10-14 16:39
where is the video?
#2 M Mujtahad 2011-10-13 00:53
well it is a bit funny, but is this what we want from our leaders? should not our imams be very serious and not laugh or just smile a little sometimes.
This is not what we see back home.
Someone should tell me to leave this kind of behavior as it is not what we see from maulanas and mulas.
#1 abu kathir 2011-10-13 00:50
FUNNYYYYYY _ I could not stop laughing! Too funny! OK I have to say it - Yusuf Estes is the funny sheikh.

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