Dawah Plan

How Do We Plan a DAWAH EVENT? (Good question)
Many organizations need to have a system for planning their events, especially when inviting others who are not Muslims. That is the focus of this writing - to help us better understand and plan our dawah events.
"How to Do Dawah" Learn From Those Who Spend Their Lives Calling To Allah - And His 'Way' - Islam. Taken from an email regarding dawah from Sheik Yusuf Estes, Muslim Chaplain |
Bismilah Rahman Raheem Dawah is an Arabic word which comes close to the word "invite" or "invitation" in English. The understanding of the usage of the word "dawah" with regard to the faith of Islam is that it is the responsibility of the Muslims to "invite" all to the way of Islam, i.e., submission to the One True God on His terms. Dawah is incumbent on all Muslims and must be done in compliance with the methodology already established by the last prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is an order from Allah the Almighty in His Book the Holy Quran:
Step by Step Dawah Lessons - [click here] Events All activities, need to be planned out just as you would plan any type of affair or program which you would invite others to attend. Might I mention some of the things that we have tried to establish over the last 6 or so years with regard to setting up programs and dawah efforts? First of all, we try to plan things ahead by at least 3 months minimum and make sure that all involved will have the chance to attend every meeting or at least have a copy of the minutes of the meetings to help them in preparing for the next meetings. Next, we make it a strong policy never to accept last minute programs or events that might compromise the existing ones that are already scheduled and in the works. Third, we try our best to bring in the right person for the right job. This is one of the most crucial aspects of the whole project. Fourth, we limit the time that we use for meetings and keep to the points at hand and make sure that all of the essentials are worked out before discussing any item of lesser importance. And useless wastes of time are not tolerated during the meetings and in the phone conversations which pertain to the programs. Travel arrangements are made well in advance including backup plans to assure that everyone is where he/she needs to be on time. Timing is very crucial to the success and must never be taken for granted (please don't look at me on this issue -- I'm the worst in our organization on this point). Materials and any equipment that might be needed are listed, located and secured at the earliest possible opportunity. Promotion and advertising of the events are begun as soon as the commitments are in place and this continues right up until the time the event actually starts. Task assignments are most important. Each person is responsible for his/her part as well as assisting those who are nearest to them in their area. Financial arrangements must be made in advance and each thing must be specifically cleared for approval of expenditure and how the funding will be arranged. This is a very serious detail and must not be left to chance. It is in fact, one of the worst shortcomings of the Muslims today. Cooperation and ongoing encouragement is a duty incumbent on all. Everyone working within the program is accountable to all of the others as this is an interdependent operation. That is to say that, if anyone fails then in affect we have all failed to a certain degree. Main goal should always be in sight. We must keep in mind that this dawah effort is not that we are going out with the idea that we are going to make other people become Muslims. Not at all. Focus the dawah from the center outward because it is like a circle or ripples in the water which surround the rock once thrown into the pond. We have to understand that the first line of dawah begins with ourselves, then our closest relatives and then our wider circle of relatives, then our friends, the Muslim body at large, our neighbors and then the general public. So, for this purpose we always try to design our workshops into segments:
Beliefs in Islam are the most critical issue. Remember always, the number one subject at each and every program must at least be included along with the other subjects is "The Correct Beliefs In Islam." Another page we have on our web site entitled "Beliefs" could prove to be very helpful in planning the content for some of your seminars and workshops: And also one which is linked to it at: Quran
Follow Up This is a very "heavy" page which actually contains hundreds, if not thousands of links to many other very outstanding web sites for total research of Islam. Another simple thing to offer as a method of staying in touch is your email address and at the same time you might like to include my email address if they would have any additional considerations or concerns that perhaps you either were not able to cover due to lack of resources or due to the lack of time. And now to return back to the presentation itself, inshallah. SHAHADAHS Of course we can use the old cliché that we are simply "Going to make a lot of dawah." And then go about whatever we are doing in any manner and say that this is dawah. But the question will quickly arise, "Yes, but is your DAWAH getting any SHAHADAHS?" and "Is your DAWAH benefiting the Muslims?" PLANNING & WORKING It should be mentioned that it is most important to keep in mind that all of those whom you are working alongside in this project are also in need of the product (DAWAH) and therefore it is essential that we do everything in a spirit of cooperation and consideration for the other brothers (and sisters). PRESENTATIONS Testimonials are very good as well. Those who are coming into Islam might speak a few words about the good treatment of the other Muslims, generousity, pleasure in keeping good company, etc. But not focus on putting down the former religion. POWER POINT TOPICS I do not like to limit a speaker by choosing his/her topic or even offering a title for the subject, such as "What the Islamic Resurgence in Scientific Discoveries Means to Muslims in Central Asia." And for sure, it is not acceptable to change the topics and titles at the last minute and notify the speaker as he is going up on the stage (happened to me in NJ in the Spring). All of these things are against the sunnah of the prophet, peace be upon him, as it is also logically unacceptable to be so unorganized and in disarray for such an important project as attempting to influence someone's choices in this life to prepare themselves for the Next Life. PLANNING SUBJECTS As to planning the specific subjects for any occasion, I suggest that you consider how Islam comes in the first place and then structure your program according to those in attendance. EXAMPLES
Motto: "Stick to the Basics -- or you'll get stuck." Please forgive me for taking so long to reply and for any mistakes I may have made. I look forward to working with your organization anytime in the future and ask Allah to guide me to do all that I do for His pleasure alone, ameen. May Allah forgive me and guide me to do better, ameen. Jazakalah khair, was-As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulah. Yusuf Chaplain Yusuf Estes |