Day of Ashura (fast or not?)

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Can I Fast the Day of Ashura?



I know we are supposed to fast for two days when observing the fast of `Ashûrâ'. However, is it valid to fast the day of `Ashûrâ' by itself?

Answered by -- Sheikh Nâyif al-Hamad, presiding judge at Rimâh District Court

The day of `Ashûrâ' is the 10th day of the month of Muhrram. To observe a fast on the day of `Ashûrâ’ is an emphatic Sunnah (sunnah mu’akkadah). It is not obligatory to fast on this day.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “`Ashûrâ’ is but one of Allah’s days, so whoever wishes to fast on this day should do so, and whoever wishes to refrain from fasting may do so.” [Sahîh Muslim (1136)]

Abû Qatâdah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I hope from Allah that observing the fast of `Ashûrâ’ will expiate for the sins of the past year.” [Sahîh Muslim (1163)]

These hadîth shows us that fasting on the day of `Ashûrâ' by itself is both a valid and a virtuous act.

It is also Sunnah to fast the day before `Ashûrâ’ or the day after it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fast the day of `Ashûrâ’, but do so differently than the Jews by fasting the day before it or the day after it.” [Musnad Ahmad (1/241) and Sahîh Ibn Khuzaymah (2095)]

Ibn al-Qayyim writes in Zâd al-Ma`âd (2/75):

There are three ways to observe this fast. The best is to fast the day before `Ashûrâ’ and the day after it. Next in excellence is to fast on the ninth of Muharram as well as the tenth. This is what most of the hadîth indicate. The next is to fast the tenth day by itself.

Allah knows best.

1 COMMENTS bottom page


#6 stephanie 2013-11-12 15:41
Thank you humera, i thank Allah that He had chosen me too to become muslim, alhamdulilah. I would have been lost in this world and the hereafter, alhamdulilah alhamdulilah!
#5 sk 2013-11-12 03:16
there are some narrations which say fast on all 3 days (9,10& 11) #7487
#4 sk 2013-11-11 14:15
where it says three ways to observe this fast. The best is to fast the day before `Ashûrâ’ and the day after it. how can 1 fast the day before & after ashura. has to be 2 consecutive days. the above hadith by Musnad Ahmad (1/241) and Sahîh Ibn Khuzaymah (2095)means fast ashura plus another day (either before ashura or after it).
#3 brother A 2013-11-08 00:51
me too. this is a great website for people like me and all of us who coverted
aslo I found another swebstie of usuf estes for converts to islam (is it ok to post a link to his site?)
#2 humera 2013-11-07 07:40
it is a great website.Happy New Year to all muslims.
my heartiest congratulations to stephanie on accepting islam.
#1 Stephanie 2013-11-07 01:10
Im a 2013 convert and it is amazing to learn facts and Hadiths which i never knew. Maybe it's the fact that i dont have an authentic Hadith collection at home yet :-( But anyways... Amazing Prophet Musa, aleihi wa salam. His life and what Allah spoke about him was one of my favourites

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