New Book Challanges Old Lies

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Scandal Over New Book
Is It Too Much Like Truth?

8th scroll cover

The 8th Scroll
by Dr. Laurence Brown   

Dr. Lawrence Brown (convert to Islam) wrote a book (fiction) entitled, "The 8th Scroll" about a missing scroll turning up after the original discovery of seven scrolls at Wadi Qumran (The Caves of Qumran Valley near the Dead Sea)

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Theology and religious philosophy challenged beyond limits, and facing exposure of many fallacies related to beliefs and real New Testament material.

Abrahamic faiths are challanged over a book of fiction.
But this is only a fiction book - A story - So why did publishers refuse to print or distribute this book?

Find Out Why 'They' Don't Want it Published
8th scroll B2F
Watch Dr. Brown with Yusuf Estes on

It is called "The Eighth Scroll" by Dr. Laurence Brown

You Write - Publish
(after review of course)


#1 Cassie 2012-02-10 07:05
The Eighth Scroll is a book of fiction, but the implications are something to really be looked at in detail, esp as the book contains some overwhelming facts. I wasn't aware that some publishers refused to publish the book, which is interesting since there are books similar to it on the market.

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