85 Year Old UK Man Comes to Islam

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Why Did James Convert to Islam at 85 Years?
Watch Video of His Interview With Yusuf Estes

Converts Reverts - www.ConvertsReverts.com


#5 2422 2010-06-23 11:01
Every person is born Muslim so it should be revert & came back or returned to Islam.
#4 Md. Shofiqul Islam 2010-06-22 02:08
What i think that finding a real and true path even at the end of life is a matter of luck. The major westerners are reluctant to find the true and real path being blind to the religion(modifi ed) of their parents. James is lucky one. We pray to Allah to accept him and to grant Jannah.
#3 full monty 2010-06-21 20:23
#2 Mohammad Gayasuddin 2010-06-21 14:20
Assalamaulikum WRWB Brother James.. may Allah Bless u and Guide u in right path. Ameen..Inshalla h Allah Grant u Jannah hereafter..
Jazakallahu Khairun..
#1 ADD YOUR COMMENTS HERE 2010-06-20 22:42
James was a great traveling companion, a wonderful friend and a very dedicated Muslim. We were all amazed at the way he would get up every night in hajj and pray for long periods of time. His prayers and charity make us ashamed for not doing more.


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