1 Dead - 30 Trapped in Indonesia Mine Explosion

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One Killed - 9 Hospitalized & 30 More Trapped -
in Sumatra Island Coal Mine Explosion

JAKARTA  – June 16 
Rescuers are trying to reach 30, possibly more, miners who have been trapped in an underground mine since a terrible explosion ripped through it only hours ago. One official, who asked not to be identified, confirmed the number of those missing and possibly trapped or death could be even higher than originally reported.

Rustam Pakaya, head of the health ministry's disaster center, says one person so far has died and nine more have been admitted to the hospital after the explosion. He also said by telephone text message, at least 30 people were missing and feared to be still ...

...trapped inside the mine.

The mine operated by the state coal miner PT Bukit Asam, only produces enough coal for a local paper company and power utility company, about 1,500 tons per month. One person, not officially connected to the minning company speculates it was an accident and not something related to terrorism or violence.

The first reports indicated there had been a landslide near the mine, but officials later denied that report. Although the mine is not owned by PT Bukit Asam, it is located nearby our mine in Sawahlunto," said Bukit Asam production director Milawarma. The official, who uses one name like many Indonesians, said output at its operations was not affected.

Rustam Pakaya, the head of the health ministry's disaster center, said that one person had died and nine were admitted to hospital after the explosion. He also said by telephone text message that 30 people were missing and feared trapped.

Indonesia has rich mineral resources with many coal and other mines, but often tends to use open-pit mining rather than underground mining.

Indonesia, the world's largest thermal coal exporter, is expected to produce around 230 million tonnes of coal this year, according to a government estimate.