Pope's Fire - Actual Image

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Active ImageDid the former Pope make an appearance in a fire?
Or does this send out a different message to non-Catholics?

See the image taken by onlooker Gregorz Lukasik has convinced believers and even the Vatican believing a likeness of the pontiff himself in the flames, raising his right hand in a blessing.

But does it appear to you as the Pope?
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 Pope Fire! 
Picture in a bonfire

Pope Fire! -  An actual picture taken from a bonfire during a service at Poland's Beskid Zywiecki, on the second anniversary of his death this April 2 was hailed as a miracle by onlookers and even has the Vatican talking of making the Monsenor the next Holy saint of the Catholic Church. No official statements have come forth from the Holy See or the Vatican as of yet.

Source: Is this Pope John Paul II waving from beyond the grave? Vatican TV director says yes@Dailymail.com

Pope John Paul II Seen in Tongue of Fire: Vatican@Shortnews.com