"That Prophet"? "Are you THAT Prophet?" |
"The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you." Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "A messenger will come after me,named Ahmad." The chief priests and Levites asked John the Baptist, "If you are not the Christ (Messiah), and not Elijah - are you THAT Prophet?" |
First the questioned him as to whether or not he was the anticipated "Messiah" [Christ or "christos" in Koine Greek]. He said, "No". He was not the "Messiah" that had hoped for. Next they asked if he was the prophet Elijah and again he tells them, "No." Now comes the really strange part. Finally, they asked him, "are you -- That Prophet?" Read . . .
What did they mean by "That Prophet?" We of course, know who the "Christ" is. After all, Christians should know that "Christ" is merely a shortened form of the Koine Greek word "christos," intended to mean the Hebrew word "Messiah." The Jews of two thousand years ago were definitely looking for the Messiah, who it was foretold in their books, would come and lead them to victory over their oppressors and thus gain for them mastery over this world. They were very oppressed under Roman domination and even their own Jewish kings were seen as nothing more than puppets or agents for the disbelievers. Certainly, they would have been most happy to see someone come on the scene who would defeat their Roman masters and slave drivers. Then the priests and Levites asked John the Baptist if he might be the prophet Elijah, returning back after hundreds of years being away. There was the notion amongst them that Elijah would come back. But again, John the Baptist is denying he is Elijah. Then, who is he? They wonder at this man living out in the desert and forsaking wealth and luxury and fasting, avoiding the material attractions of life. Again, they ask John the Baptist who he is. "Are you THAT Prophet?" And one more time he denies being "THAT Prophet," but then he does tell them about someone who will come after him soon, whom he claims he is not worthy to even unlace his shoes. However, this does not answer the question, "Who were they expecting besides the Messiah?" Could it be they were looking for someone like Muhammad? (Could be?) Who is THAT Prophet? - Keep reading and learn who "That Prophet" is and what other proofs can be discovered within the Holy texts to support this idea. ____________________ For centuries Muslims have believed Muhammad, peace be upon him, was "THAT Prophet" mentioned in these words of the Gospel of John. The Quran states one of the important features of Jesus' mission was to give the "bashir" or 'glad tidings' of the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Jesus, peace be upon him, had a rather short missionary career, lasting less than three years. His own people held a very hostile atttitude toward Jesus, peace be upon him. During all of this, Jesus, peace be upon him, gave them the good news of Ahamd (this is one form of the word 'Muhammad'), to be the last messenger of God Allah, and he would perfect the Divine teaching both in theory and in practice. The Quran mentions this, and quotes Jesus, peace be upon him, as saying:
The Quran gives the name as Ahmad, one of several ways to say Muhammad's name. Just as we have in English the name Joseph, and often use a shorter form such as "Joe" or the familiar form, "Joey," and other names like "Jonathan" which becomes "John"; "Jack" or "Johnny". So, in the same way we find Arabic has similar forms for a name. Muhammad, Ahmad and Hamad are a few of the names originating from the root word, "hamd" (meaning 'praise') in Arabic, and can be understood as "The one who praises (God)"; "the praising one"; "one who praises"; etc. Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his translation of the meanings of the Quran to English, states: In the present gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 and 16:7, the Greek word "Paracletos" is translated in the NIV of the Bible, as "Comforter". "Paracletos" can mean an "advocate"; or "one called upon to aid or assist another"; "a kind friend"; etc. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was known from birth as one who brought comfort and reconciliation to family, friends and strangers alike, especially in bringing together the ties of kinship and brotherly love. Another nick name of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, mentioned in the Bible (or at least what is left of it in the English language) is "The Spirit of Truth". Note: The Arabic word, "as-Saddiq" is what many people referred to Muhammad, peace be upon him, even when he was very young and continued to call him this throughout his life. "as-Saddiq" in Arabic, means exactly "essence or spirit of truthfulness" and as mentioned, it was another name given to Muhammad, peace be upon him, by those who knew him and his way of honesty and integrity. The New Testament Gospel of the Bible, in the Gospel of St. John, says that, Jesus, peace be upon him, had promised them the Paracletos would come in the future, and mentioned this four times (St. John 14:16; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7). Naturally, Jesus, peace be upon him, did not return in their lifetime nor did any other prophet for that matter. So later thinkers came up with the notion that it was not Jesus "in person" but rather, Jesus coming back in "spirit form." This led some Christians to assert, it meant it was to be the Holy Spirit, who would descend upon the disciples on the Day of the Pentecost (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2). It says, he would bear witness about Christ and lead them into the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It continues saying he (the spirit) would be with the believers forever. Also, they would not die (St. John chapter 3:16), but they would have everlasting life. Later some verses were added (see footnotes to Revised Standard Version of the Bible) to the very last chapter of Mark (16). The oldest manuscripts end the last chapter of Mark, chapter 16, at verse 9. Later manuscripts have different versions, with different verses, saying different things. The popular one for the KJV Bible, claims the Spirit will come upon them in such a way they could be able to speak with new languages; handle deadly snakes, cure the sick by laying hands on them and they would even drink poison, but nothing would hurt them. Another point is, the "paracletos", "comforter", "advocate" or the "spirit of truth" is going to live amongst us all from now on. Certainly anyone who has read about the life of Muhammad, can see his most excellent character, behavior, truthfulness, integrity, chastity and loyalty. Above all was his confirmation of the exact same message of Jesus, John the Baptist, Moses, David, Solomon, Abraham and all the prophets - The message of worship to One God, alone - without any partners of any kind. And we see today, this exact message has prevailed for over 1,400 years after his earthly life ended. For Muslims, the statement and oath of faith is simple: There is no 'god' (deity) worthy of worship, except Almighty God, and Muhammad, is His messenger & servant! He is -- THAT PROPHET |
For more about Muhammad, peace be upon him - click here More About the Bible, Jesus in Islam, Trinity, etc. click here
'That Prophet' Did Bible Predict Muhammad? As 'THAT PROPHET'?