Babies "Born in SIN"?
What Will Happen To This Child?
Why Do Babies Change So Much?
Amazing Facts Find Out - READ..
New God (Allah) in Bible?
Bible? Quran? Trinity?
God? Allah? A Son?
Yusuf Estes, Former Christian Music Minister
Did Muslim Slaves Make Your Shirt
Muslim Slaves Making
Our Clothes in China?
4 Wives Or 4 Husbands
Polygamy - Polygymy - Polyandry1 Man Marries 1 Wife
(What else is there?)
Future Religon of the World: ISLAM?
Islam, Jewish, Christian, Hindu?
Ancient Religions Influence World Leaders?
Muslim Preschool
Terrorism? Jihad? Islam? USA?
Islam Teaches NON-Violence
It All Seems Like a Bad Dream -
And It Feels Very Real (too real)
Cigarettes Kill - True! But Are They Haram?
They Cause Cancer!
1 Takes 11 Minutes of Your Life
They Kill You!
But Are Cigarettes HARAM?
Tell Dad - It's Very Haram!
Give A Message to Liam Neeson (famous actor)
CNN: "Liam Neeson Converted"
But Is He A Muslim?
According to recent CNN statement
So Leave Him a Quick Message
Ramadan With GOD
Prophet's Ramadan
Videos by Ahmad AlKurdy
Join along with Sheikh Ahmad Alkurdy as he explains (in simple English) the wonderful book "How the Messenger of God was in Ramadan" showing us the 4 aspects of prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) in the month of Ramadan.
Enjoy this 9 part series (more coming daily) to make the most of this sacred month of fasting:
(peace be upon him)
- 1. "Preparing for Ramadan"
Free Qurans to New Muslims in Ramadan
In Ramadan