April FOOLS?

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Muslim Fools day 2

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"O you who believe, fear Allah and always say the truth."

 Once Again, We Are the Fools!

We got an email about "April Fools Day & Muslim Spain" - No 'fooling around'.

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"April Fool's Day Celebrates Conquest of Muslim Spain(FAKE)

Non-Muslims watching us be Everyday Fools!" The story says:

Christians could not conquer the Muslims there and sent spies to discover why. They found Muslims there were God Fearing, following Islam ("Taqwah').

So Christians sent in alcohol and cigarettes and Muslims used them and lost their 'Taqwah'.

Next, Christians defeated Muslims on April first and began celebrating 'April Fool's Day' ever since.

This story is FAKE.

1.) First, "Muslim Spain" ended on January 12, 1492 A.D. and  'April Fool's Day was note celebrated UNTIL 50 fifty years later. And it was not April.

In the 1500's France - They celebrated New Year's Day on March 25until April 1.

Their calender got changed by Pope Gregory (Gregorian calendar). King Charles IX proclaimed, "New Year's Day is on January 1st not in spring."

Some conservatives would not change and continued celebrateing New Year's from March 25 to April 1.

The rest of France followed their king and mocked those celebrating the New Year from March 25 to April 1, sending foolish gifts and invites to fake parties.

They called those celebrating, "Poisson d 'Avril," or "April Fish," (in spring time, the sun is leaving the sign of the fish (Pisces).

"April Fools' Day" only came to England in 1700's (long after Muslim Spain was lost), then to colonial America by the English, Scottish, and French.

2.) Second, we should know that cigarettes were not even invented until AFTER the time of the fall of Muslim Spain (January 1492). According to the State College in Framingham, the Human Biology course by Dr. Roger Morrrissette, Ph.D., smoking of any kind did not exist in Spain until after it was brought back from the New World AFTER King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had come to rule Spain.

       From "History of Smoking" By Roger N. Morrissette. 

       1492: Columbus notes the natives of the New World smoke leaves.
       1550: Spaniards begin cultivating tobacco in the West Indies to export to Europe.
       1880: Tobacco is used, but in small amounts. Introduction to Human Biology, Framingham State College.

Muslim Spain - Divided and Conquered


After Muslims in Spain divided up in small kingdoms, they fought each other for power and gold. They paid mercenaries from Roman Christians and killed other Muslims for decades.

When Christians first attacked them, Muslims went across the Mediterranean Sea to Morocco (Maghrib) and begged the ruler there to help them stop the attacks. He demanded the Muslims must stop fighting each other and go back to the Islamic system of rule under one leader. They assured him they would (but they didn't).

Then when Muslims started killing each other again for the same reasons, Christians came in very strong against them.

This time the Moroccons refused to fight against the Roman Christians. Muslims lost battle after battle to the Christians. Finally, the last stronghold of Islam fell to Roman Christian King, Ferdinand, on January 9, 1492.

The email claiming April Fools Day was a celebration of taking over Muslim Spain, is FAKE

This is unacceptable and must be brought to the attention of the one who sent it to you.

Muslims should never repeat lies, especially in presenting facts about the history of Islam.

We should all fear a Day when we will stand in front of Allah and be asked about these things.

If we don't do correct our beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, then everyday on the internet is MUSLIM FOOLS DAY.

More? -> http://www.islamtomorrow.com/lies/fools.asp 

 Again, it is only Allah who has All Knowledge. May He forgive me my mistakes and guide us all to the right way, ameen. 

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Yusuf Estes