US Navy Rescues Captain - 3 Pirates Dead

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3 Dead - 1 in Custody & Captain is Safe and Sound

Great News! He's safe on board U.S. Navy ship.
Captain Phillips is now out of harm's way and the pirates have been subdued.
Report just in - the U.S. Navy used snipers to end the ongoing hostage situation with the Somali pirates in the ..... (
more click here)

India Ocean. After careful consideration and realizng the emminate danger to the life of Captain Phillips.
Details of the rescue make it clear the US was trying to handle the situation with due care. Only because the pirates pointed a weapon toward the captain and seeing his life in danger, took the necessary action to bring the kidnapping and hostage situation to a quit and successful climax.

Successful close to what could have been a very horrific event. The United States Navy has brought to a close a modern day story of pirates, kidnapping and hostage taking.

What will happen next in the Indian Ocean? Will more of these events be likely? Will there be a stronger emphasis on the violence in consideration of the way this story came out?

Only Allah Knows but for sure - whatever happens you will find the stories here - on (inshallah).