Anti-Islam Film UPDATE

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Innocence of Muslims
Contact Info for:
Bosses at YouTube & Google

Washington, D.C. - September 16, 2012 - President Barak Obama

Despite calls from the White House requesting Google to investigate whether or not the recent Anti-Islam film on YouTube (owned by Google) was in vilolation of terms of user policy, directors for the company refused to take action against the hate video.

Did it get us anywhere?

Google will not remove the YouTube video that has been cited as the spark for demonstrations raging across the Middle East and North Africa, the company announced Friday.

The decision comes following a White House request for the trailer for ‘Innocence of Muslims’ to be reviewed under the company’s policies.

Did that do any good?

The Obama administration was not explicitly asking YouTube to remove the film, but to check if it meets their standards.

"The White House asked YouTube to review the video to see if it was in compliance with their terms of use," Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

Did that do any good?

The company determined that the video was within guidelines.

Here is what they said -

"We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions," a Google spokeswoman said. "This can be a challenge because what's OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere.  This video -- which is widely available on the Web -- is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube.  However, we've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia as well as in Libya and Egypt given the very sensitive situations in these two countries."

The trailer for "Innocence of Muslims" has been used as a rallying cry by those attacking U.S. embassies and consulates around the world. Several top lawmakers, though, have questioned whether the film -- in the case of the deadly attack on the consulate in Libya -- was used as a cover to execute a pre-planned attack on American officials.

This was not the best way to get the video off of YouTube! In fact, U.S. officials have claimed this was a cover up for something bigger?

Critics accused the Obama administration of putting too much focus on the film itself, and faulted the administration for continuing to condemn it.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a ceremony Friday marking the return of the remains of the four Americans killed, again described that video as "senseless" and "unacceptable." But she also called on leaders in those countries to stop the violence.

"The people of Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia did not trade the tyranny of a dictator for the tyranny of a mob. Reasonable people and responsible leaders in these countries need to do everything they can to restore security and hold accountable those behind these violent acts," she said.

Did that do any good?

Meanwhile, federal probation officials are investigating the California filmmaker linked to the video. He had previously been convicted of financial crimes.

No suprise here - the man was just doing his job, as a lying criminal - probably hired by some really bad guys to cause more hate in the world.

The latest in ongoing attacks against the religion of Islam seem to bring out the very worst of character from both those attacking and those who claim to adhere to the faith of Islam.

Doubtless, any observer would have to admit that both sides of the story are guity of crimes against God, against country and against humanity.

Where will it all lead in the end? Who will have to pay the price for the irreversible damage, mahem and chaos?

Good question...

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We must work - all together as one united effort - against this, by contacting the people who can do something - NOW!

We invite you, ask you, beg you - to consider the future of our world - Leave your comments please! We will publish (after review) all decent commentary, provided it does not add fuel to an already out-of-control fire, whose fuel is men and stones.

Emails, FAX & Phones for Bosses at YouTube, Google (owners of YouTube) & ICANN (controllers of Internet policies):