Secularist-Liberal Protest in Egypt

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Egypt's New President
Egypt Morsi pres5
Critisized by Liberals & Secularists


Today, the former protestors against previous oppressive regime - find themselves being protested against by supporters of the former president, his media cronies, along with liberals and secularists who are all concerned over power of government and worried about their own future and living conditions under the newly elected leadership.

Hundreds of secular and modernist Egyptians were seen demonstrating against President Mohammed Morsi and also against the Muslim Brotherhood, marching from Tahrir Square toward the president's office in Cairo. A similar demonstration was reported in Alexandria, Egypt.

Egypt Morsi pres1First, there were millions upon millions who stood united together, Muslims and Christians, holding high the Egyptian flag while joining hands to stand against the suedo presidential-dictatorship and oppressive regime, under former ruler of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak.

We all remember the pictures and videos showing the unity of Egyptians of all faiths, colors and traditions coming together as one nation, determined to oust their oppressive ruler once and for all.

Many lives were lost in that cause and even many times more were seriously injured by the hired thugs put loose on the streets by Hosni Mubarak and his oppressive team of commandos, bent on keeping the ruthless ruler in power.

Next, came the repsonse to power switch put into place by Mubarak's miliatary hoodlums, as millions more once again stood up in the face of oppressive rulership under the council of generals who seized power after Mubarak was ousted.

Egypt Morsi pres2Then came yet another grand demonstration. But this time a happy demonstration and celebration for the election of a new and better government, one headed up by a new president. Mohamed Morsi was just the man for the job, according to the locals on all fronts. Even those not to thrilled with the idea of someone so closely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood were still willing to cast their vote for him as he is seen as honest, fair and balanced in his approach to solve the problems for Egypt's future.

Once again, millions went to the streets - but this time in total celebration for the win - as Egyptians saw it, the win of Morsi over the military ally of Mubarak, Tantawi was a win for all Egyptians.

Now we see a much smaller, but still determined number of protestors (estimated to be as much as 3,000) demonstrating against the new president and opposing his handling of former generals under Mubarak.

Recently this past week, President Morsi fired and retired a number of the previous military leaders who had for decades worked right along with the former president and the controlled media in Egypt to keep the people literally enslaved within their own country.

The man who stepped up to take over after Mubarak stepped down, was none other than Mubarak's first man and vice-president, General Tantawi. This of course upset the vast majority of the population of Egypt as anyone could see, was nothing more than a ploy to continue the very same scenario but under a different name.

Tantawi was one of a number of the former militants President Morsi kicked out of office and sent into permanent retirement. Some have speculated that Tantawi got off too easy and should have charges brought against him for the vast number of atrocities and deaths commited under his command in those decades before.

Clashes between the secularists and Muslim supporters of the current government ended up with shouting and even some stone throwing.

13 people were reported injured, but none hurt. However, it is clear feelings continue to rage between the two groups.

The difference between earlier protests last year and what we see today, are that all citizens now enjoy the right to stage peaceful protests, not so before under the oppressive regeime of Egypt's dictator disguised as a president - Husni Mubarak.

Protest leaders made strong claims of starting a "August 24 Revolution", but the small number of participants who did join seemed less interested in starting a revolution and more about improving their own personal situation and lifestyles.

Obviously, this movement failed in their attempt to do more than just gain some international attention for a brief few minutes in the nightly news. But the concern is, what can be done to insure this type of thing doesn't continue to grow and gain support of others who are also concerned for their families welfare under the new government, headed up by people who are involved or at least influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood.

While many, if not most Muslims in Egypt seem well pleased with the organization and their methodology of peaceful cooperation and consultation with the people over issues and matters affecting the entire population, there is still speculation amongst the secularist supporters of non-religious government who seem otherwise focused.

Egypt Morsi pres5The fact that such an event could be conducted legally and openly attack the president and his cabinet without fear of imprisonment or even repremand, immediately demonstrates the tolerance and progressive state of affairs under Morsi's leadership.

Additionally, the fact that the protest was staged at all during a time when the Muslim Brotherhood controls all state institutions, including the media, shows how Morsi's reign is far different than the former regime - the same people who are supporters of the former government could neve have openly voiced such an opinion without fear of beatings, jail time or worse.

It appears the protest leaders had a relatively small number of participants and failed to gain support of the Egyptian public. In fact, most of the Egyptian population is against this secular and liberal group.

Muslim Brotherhood members identified the leaders of the protest movement are ousted generals of the Egyptian military council, and these were mostly secularists or individuals against the Muslim Brotherhood in general.

Egypt Morsi pres4The opposition to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is comprised today of liberal movements, left-wing secular movements and, of course, loyalists of the former regime, who are cautiously following every step of the Muslim Brotherhood and the new president.

In a move meant to offset criticism and hopefully to avoid the demonstration before the protest took place, President Morsi announced Thursday he would be releasing the chief editor of Al-Dustour newspaper, Islam Afifi, who is accused of "insulting the president," and he also issued a decree that bans arrests for what has been called "publishing crimes."

Morsi, however, continues to maintain a strong influence within the legislation, in a state that is now working toward operating under the parliamentary system (the Lower House was dispersed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, but Morsi announced he will see to it that it will reconvene).

While the number of people participating in Friday's demonstration was not large, it was still the worth mentioning that this is something never before entertained in Egypt and they can thank President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and all of the Egyptian citizens who risked their very lives only months ago to bring about such a state of freedom of expression and open democratic atmosphere.

One source of concern regarding the president is whether or not, the protest will cause Morsi to apply greater pressure on the media, which takes the liberty of criticizing the president. The new information minister, Salah Abd al-Maksud, will be the man watching what the media has to say and whether or not they can continue to say it.

Previously, Salah Abd Al-Maksud worked as editor with newspapers favoring Islam, and was a media advisor to Morsi, during his campaign for presidential election.

Egypt Morsi pres3President Morsi has also taken the initative to appoint a special team to accompany him for decision making. He is also watching the media closely as many of the editors were actually working alongside of the former regime to help keep control over the population.

These are perhaps small steps compared to the giant steps that led Egypt out of the darkness of decades of dicatorship, but for sure they are steps toward the light of freedom, liberty and hope so desperately needed in a country ravaged by the former military regime.

Egypt Morsi pres6President Morsi is seen by western leaders as a potential ally provided he does not get too bogged down in Islamic Shariah related matters. The concern is primarily whether or not he will allow the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood to affect his judgement in foreign affairs and treatment of relationships, particularly those involving finance.

As time passes and Egypt's problems begin to find solutions, editors and ministers with Islamic values will probably have to deal with other protests along the way. But the good news is, they can all express their opinions, feelings and fears openly and without fear of punishment while doing so.

This time it is not the Muslims, nor the Christians for that matter.

It is the liberals, secularists and supports for the former regime.

Main stream Muslims are concerned about many things, but the new president is not one of their worries.

Food, shelter and education are all the topics on lips of Egyptians today.

They need our prayers! So let's all say a pray for the people of Egypt and ask Allah to guide them, and guide their leadership for the good of all mankind everywhere - ameen.

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