New Muslim Got Islam On TV

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Yusuf Estes Gives Answers &
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Man Does Shahadah Live TV

That's what people are saying about last night on GUIDE US TV.

Yusuf Estes was taking live call-ins from young Muslims reciting Quran (and doing a wonderful job), when a man (named Donald I think) called in and started asking some very pointed quesitons. It wasn't long until the man started agreeing with Sheikh Yusuf, and then before you knew it, the man was taking shahadah - right there on TV. Read...

November 11, 2011 - Friday - Alexandria, Virginia - Man in Mississipi embraces Islam ON TV.

Last night (Thursday), Yusuf Estes was accepting calls from viewers on his TV show, Guide US TV (it is now on satellite and on the Internet) and all of a sudden a man called in and started asking some very good questions about Islam and the Muslims.

The man sounded like he was from the south part of the U.S. and Sheikh Yusuf just started talking to him as though they were from the same background. Before you know it, the guy is likeing Islam and Sheikh Yusuf is giving him the shahadah. Amazing is not a strong enough word for it. The man said he was seeking for the truth and asking for guidance. As we all know, that is the way into Islam for anyone

But this is not the first time for shahadads on TV. Yusuf Estes has been doing this again and again, everytime he gets in front of the people, someone is making their entrance into Islam. It is so breath taking to be there and experience right along with everyone else, the emotions going along with someone discovering the real truth about God's religion and then accepting Islam as their way of life.

Earlier this year, in April, a young mother called in and did her shahadah, marking the first of many to come after her. Candice in Austin, Texas - this name and location was to become famous for Guide US TV as so many people were soon to know about the amazing progress in this family.

First it was sister Candice,but it wasn't long until the rest of the family were to look into and discover the realities of life and what it all means to us. Her husband didn't talk long to catch on, her son and daughter also figured it out and they each called in to Yusuf Estes on Guide US TV - making their shahadah and accepting to submit to the Commandments of Allah, as Muslims.

With so much going on and so many coming to Islam - Isn't it time you told everyone to -
Get Guided -

May Allah Guide all of us too, ameen.

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