IslamOphobia On the Rise

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"Shar'iah" "Quran" "Allahu Akbar"
"Mohamed" "Moslem" "Salam"
Words Bring Fear to IslamOphobics

Where are we living today? When someone has the very unreal fear of words? Or at least what they think the words might conjure up? Can there be such a thing as "Islamophobia"? Are those who suffer this mental maddness called "Islamophobics"?

Please read this before you go on to the main article. I just came across it and thought "Who should we be watching?"

"Phobias" are a mental disease, like acrophobia (extreme fear of falling) or claustrophobia (extreme fear of being enclosed), or arachnophobia (extreme fear of spiders). And like any mental disease, those who suffer from it should be carefully observed and monitored to be certain they do not injure themselves or others..."
[Makes you think doesn't it?]

Check this story out - and then COMMENT at the end of it - We'll review the comments and post them within 8 hours (inshallah - God Willing)...

There is a recent survey done by C.A.I.R. (Council on American-Islamic Relations), dealing with "Islamophobia" (unnatural fear of Islam) and deals mainly with the daily events of anti-Islam (anti-Moslem) taking place throughout America. The report notes 45% of those interviewed thought Islam was definitely a "religion contrary to American values".

CAIR is the foremost advocacy group for Muslim civil liberties in the USA, with over 30 chapters throughout the US and Canada.

The leading news publication in U.A.E., 'Gulf News', has revealed the findings of CAIR's report in their June 24th edition. A quote in their article from CAIR's survey says, "The study says that Islamophobia has actually increased since the election of President Barak Obama" and continues saying, "right-wing Republicans feed on anti-Muslim sentiments and fears over 'Shar'iah Law'".

Mick O'Reilly, deputy managing editor for Gulf News, began his report, "In the middle of a Minnesota winter, Muslim children are routinely left to freeze on the roadside by a bus driver".

He continues, "When these pupils do make it to school, their teacher hands out air freshener, telling their classmates to spray as the Muslim children walk in."

And he says, "In Arizona, two men are taken off a US Airways flight and questioned after a passenger hears them talking in a foreign language."

Then if that is not enough, he goes on to say that in, "Michigan a Nigerian man is removed from a plane after other passengers claim he spent to long in the toilet. He was just ill."

Mick O’Reilly also mentioned in the same report, a Muslim policeman in New York, said that he had responded to Ground Zero along with his colleagues amongst the cheers and applause of crowds lined up along the way, but now he dones not venture anywhere near the site, due to very realistic fears he might be attacked simply because of his faith, as a follower of Islam.

Is this the country we grew up in? Is this the governent we voted for? Where is the first amendment right of religion today? Where will it be tomorrow for the Mormons? Then the day after for the Hindus? Or the Sikhs? And what about the "Born-Agains?" or the "Full Gospel Fellowship"? Anyone of a particular faith group could be targeted next.

But before we loose our train of thought - let's come back to today and what we see right here in front of us.

Recently the News International did some research and here is what they came up with after CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was named by U.S. prosecutors (in 2007) as one of 250 organizations contributing funds to HAMAS (Islamic group in Palestine): The F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) stopped co-operating with CAIR, even though a U.S. court cleared CAIR of all charges and allegations last year (2010). It also noted they had lost their tax-exemption status this past summer (June 2011), supposedly for 'failure to file income returns properly'.

None of this is new information nor is it a new form of tactics by those mentioned in the report.

Another report put together by Washington, D.C. based Arab American Institute, 3 days after Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995 - more than 200 hate crimes against Arab Americans and American Muslims because of this incident although is was clearly established, Muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with that event the took the lives of 168 innocent people.

Incidentally, McVeigh said he did this according to his beliefs and showed absolutely no remorse at all for murdering these people. Did media mention anything about his Christian upbringing? Did politicians call upon the Pope or the Catholic Church to issue an apology or letter condeming McVeigh's actions? (maybe not)

Another survey along the same lines was done back in November of 2004, by New York's Open Society Institute. This is a grant-making foundation, operated by George Soros (remember the Hungarian-American tycoon who was behind the 1992 money crisis in UK, that caused the collapse of Bank of England?).

Anyway, the OSI under Sors' direction came up with findings about those who participated in the polling exercise; and guess what? 80% of them all said they had experienced people who had fears of Islam (Islamophobia).

What does that tell us? --- There's more...

UK's daily paper 'The Guardian' reports (Nov. 30, 2004), OSI study revealed, "the depth of estrangement between British Muslims and their 'country'. 1/3 of those surveyed claimed they had been discrimintated against in British airports because of being Muslims. Asians stopped, searched and interrogated under Terrorism Act increased over 300% from 2001 to 2003 and 80% said - they experienced "Islamophobics".

Most commentators and analysts argue Islamophobia became an issue of increasing sociological and political importance since the time of Salmon Rushdie's book "Satanic Verses" came out over 20 years ago, and Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini offering a reward for him and the September 11, 2001, attacks

Incidentally, how many people know that Salmon Rushdie was an India Muslim, who grew up in a modernized enviornment? And his book was basically fiction novel written about modern times? His references and implications toward prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers as well as the Quran, were the problem area.

Good news - YES.. we do have some good news here.

You see, finally - Muslims across the nation are waking up to the cure for this disease called "Islamophobia" - it is called "Education" (simple as that).

Why do people have phobias to start with? Because of unnatural fears of what they cannot understand nor put into proper perspective.

The Muslim communities in many states and cities have begun (at last) to take affirmative action and move toward solving this very severe problem.

Around the world and around the corner, Muslims are working together, in many cases even with non-Muslims to bring about a better undrestanding and present true Islam in simple English terms so folks can have a better view to who Muslims really are and what Islam really offers.

Examples go as far back as 2001, Januray when the Stockholm International Forum on Combating Intolerance recognized "Islamophobia" as a form of intolerance.

2006 - Organization of the Islamic Conference set up observatory on Islamophobia to monitor anti-Muslim activities around the world.

Just a few years ago when the European Union was considering possibly allowing Turkey to enter the Union, prime minister of Holland stated Islamophobia should not affect Turkey's chance to be included.

French President Jacques Chirac was pressured by thousands of people to consider Islamophobia as a form of racism. This came just after the French publications ran cartoons of a derogatory nature against the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

2005 - (Remember 7/7?) Just after the underground bombings in London's tube, the government of UK set up the National Forum against extremism and Islamophobia.

While we are certain this is not near enough, at the same time these are positive steps in the right direction.

There are still polls being conducted revealing the inner fears of many people who are yet unfamiliar with true Islam or practicing Muslims.

Just recently some of those surveyed (non-Muslims) indicated they thought - "Islam is barbaric"; "a static religion, steeped in the dark ages"; "unresponsive to change"; "supports terrorism"; "is a direct opponent of western civilization".

More good news - YES!

American Muslims, along with Christians, Jews and Hindus are working on various projects to bring about a better awareness of Islam and Muslims in our world today. Even priests, rabbis and ministers of these faiths have invested time and resources opening the way for those who would speak up to have a voice, and more important to be able to stand on their own feet in front of the onslaught of Islamophobic Media and the mess they are causing.

Consider the following efforts right here in America (and these are by no means all of the groups and organizations):

ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and MAS (Muslim American Society) worked together, even bringing Yusuf Estes with Islam Tomorrow (now called Share Islam Project) to raise funds for the Muslim Youth Center on Bath Ave. in Brooklyn, NY.

ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), along with ICNA, MAS and the newly formed GUIDE US TV channel conducted a very successful conference in December of last year, inviting hundreds of non-Muslims to attend and view on satellite the entire two-day conference, referre to by Yusuf Estes as, The 48 Hour Day.

Bottom Line: We can make a difference, if we are willing to work for it. Allah will always provide a way for those who believe and do the righteous deeds.

What are we waiting for? Let's all put aside petty differences and work together for the future of our children and the future of people everywhere.