Next, we look to the Quran once more and observe what Allah tells us in Surah Baqarah (2:1-5):
"Alief, Laam, Meem" That is the Book wherein there is no doubt and it is guidance for those who have (taqwah) for Allah. Those who believe in the unseen, and establish their salah (ritualistic worship) and pay charity from their provisions and they believe in what is being sent to you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) and they believe in what was sent down before (Torah, Zabur, Injeel - Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament) and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. These are the people who are on true Guidance from their Lord, these are the successful."
(Quran 2:1-5)
Having "taqwah" for Allah, means to be so totally devoted to Him and fearing to displease or anger Him through our misdeeds. A series of items are mentioned establishing what the criteria is for being a "mutaqiyeen." First is the believe in "Al Ghayb" or that which is hidden from view such as: Allah Himself; the angels; the jinn; the Paradise; the Hell-Fire.
Second is mentioning the proper establishment of our daily rituals of salah (I dislike the translation of salah to mean 'prayer' because this does not carry very much meaning nor is it specific enough to equate properly to our daily ritual of devotion). Five times salah on time, with proper wudu and with concentration, will definitely help wash away sins and doubts like a river running by our house, inshallah.
Next is the mention of being charitable, and certainly this is one of the difficulties of today's world; sharing. We work hard for our money, or so it seems to us, and then here is someone that we are not sure about, asking us for a handout or some money. We fear lest they might waste it or not use it as we would like them to, or even use it for haram. But this is still something to consider, we cannot control others and if they appear at least on the surface to need something and they are asking, let what they do with it be between them and Allah. Donations are not done for their benefit, they are being done for our benefit.
Now comes the belief the Quran and in previous revelations. There must not be any doubt in the believers heart about the source of the Quran and it's beauty, preservation and the fact that it cannot be imitated. Spending time with the scholars of the Quran and learning about it and the meanings, is as important as reciting it in the Arabic language.
Previous revelations are now mentioned and if this were not important, Allah would not have mentioned with such emphasis from the very beginning of His Speech to us. The Bible in its parts and whatever else Allah has sent down should also have our respect. Naturally, we know they were not sent down in English and therefore what is existing today is not the same. But there is some of Allah's meaning still intact and it should be respected. I fear too many Muslims are more interested in attacking Christianity or Judaism than they are in learning their own religion. And when any of us begins to look for errors in the Bible and criticize it they should fear Allah. If you are not skilled in the languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek, you really should just leave this to the scholars and concern yourself with your own Book, the Quran. After all, how would if be if you were saying something bad about the Bible and that particular verse or phrase actually had been a part of the earlier revelation from Allah in some way?
Believing in the resurrection and Day of Judgment are crucial to putting into perspective the concepts of reward and punishment in Islam. Realizing that all we are doing here is to prepare ourselves for that Day, is something to bring us back to serious reality. Good deeds will be rewarded them and evil ones punished and none shall escape their destiny. The real retribution or Day of Payback is just around the corner.
All of these add up to what it takes to establish and increase our faith.
Salam alaykum, Yusuf Estes
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