Why God? Why? Answers At Last!

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Why God? - Why ?

Why God? - Did You create everything in the first place?
Why - Did make everything as it is?
Why - Not just put us all in the Paradise from the start?
Why - Do we have to go through this life?
Why - Are so many things happening to us?
Why - Is there evil in the world?
Why God? - Why?
Many these days, both Muslims and non-Muslims are asking us about Allah and what and why He does what He does.

You ask, "Why?" Ahhh, lovely questions - these....

The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said something similar to those same words to his companions.

And, "Yes . . " Allah could easily have put people in the Paradise and others into the Fire.

"But . . " then those in the Paradise might come to think that somehow they had deserved their destiny, whereas those who were thrown into the Fire would be quite dismayed over their plight and claim they had done nothing to deserve their abode.

As the prophet, peace be upon him, told us, Allah first created the Heaven and then the Hell and then created the denizens for both places. He could have placed them in their places from the beginnings.

By allowing the people to go through this brief existence, those who entered the Paradise would be more than grateful to Allah for His Mercy, Kindness and Forgiveness by allowing them to go to Jennah, even though they had by no means deserved anything close to it.

On the other hand, those who would find their resting place in the place without rest - they would have no basis to claim otherwise, although they would certainly beg for yet another chance.

Ahhh, can you imagine them crying out to Allah from their horrible condition - even screaming?

Calling out to Almighty God . .
"Our Lord, if only . ." they would complain, "If only You would send us back, we would not be disobedient but rather we would definitely be the most subservient and obey You. Yes, we would."

Let us consider what we learn from the Speech of Allah - His Quran (Recitation). To understand the language of the Quran is to go beyond just understanding words in Arabic, and certainly far beyond translated words to Urdu or English or some lesser language.

Allah Knows - ahh, yes, but of course, Allah Knows full well, they would never do anything other than what they did in the first place; spreading mischief and spilling blood. This is the way of those who disbelieve and turn away from the clear proofs of Allah.

They are most ungrateful to the Creator, unappreciative to their Lord and Sustainer, uncaring of others who are suffering and in need. Nay, they care not for any other, only for themselves. Selfishness, greed, desire and lust in amazing layers upon layers and their hearts as hard and as cold as a frozen rock. This only begins to describe the dwellers of the Fire.

The people of the Garden are those in this life who suffer with patience and perseverance, not wasting their time in self pity. Rather, instead of worrying over their own problems, they give themselves over to the the Will of their Creator, searching for ways to please Him, and along the way searching and finding ways to draw close to him, through their love, devotion and compassion - not only toward Him, but to those whom he has also created.

The believer is an amazing one to be sure. For, as our prophet, peace be upon him, tells us, "The condition of the believer is amazing (ajeeb in Arabic), for only good happens to him. When any good comes his way, he is thankful to his Lord (shukr Allah) and when any difficulty (fitnah) comes his way, he endeavors to persevere in patience; and it is all good for him. But this is only in the case of the believer.

My dear respected brother in Islam, don't concern yourself with those who chose to reject and turn their backs on the greatest opportunity in all the universe.

The choice is always theirs. Do you know understand the deep meaning behind the statement of Allah in His Book, in surah Al Baqarah, ayah 256 when Allah says;
"Laa ikrahah fid-deen" There shall be no compulsion in the way of life (as a Muslim). In other words, Allah is not going to ever force anyone to come back to Him, it will always be their own choice.

Allah caused all of us to come forth from the backbone of our father, Adam, peace be upon him, and He asked us, "Am I not your Lord?" and we all said, "Yes"

And then He put us back after erasing from our minds this meeting.

And Allah tells us in Quran:
"Inna lillahi wa inna elayhi rajioon"
(From Allah we came and to Allah is the return."

And that is - "Why"!

What else can we know about Allah and His purpose?
Let's find out -

What about Islam's Women?
We have built a site for men to use to give dawah to women -
www.IslamsWomen.com (and not get caught in the devil's trap).

What about the good church goers?
After that - use these sites, inshallah -
www.BridgeToFaith.com (for all the church goers)

How about people that really would like to know the truth about Islam in simple English?
Then we want to share Islam, so we bring them to -