Single Sex Class in NY?

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NY Public School Confesses Islamic

Recent reports indicate the public school system in New York is taking a turn toward the values offered by Islam over 1,400 years ago. Syracuse middle school teachers and educators are seriously considering the advantages of splitting up the boys and girls during class time to better facilitate their learning abilities.
Here is the quote:

Syracuse (WSYR-TV) - Next fall, boys and girls could be split up at Syracuse’s Clary Middle School. That's the proposal in front of the school board.

Clary's principal wants to create different academies for boys and girls. Pamela Odom argues that since students deal with different social pressures, making this change could help students focus on learning.

Odom says, “Boys and girls learn differently. Teachers will participate in professional development to provide the best teaching practices geared toward both genders.”

Superintendent Dan Lowengard says he didn’t favor the idea at first, but has since come around after hearing support from staff and teachers. "I think it's really important that it's middle school because that's really the toughest stage between girls and boys," he said. "I don't think it would work necessarily in elementary school. And in high school, they're young adults."

Odom's goal is to improve performance by taking social pressures out of the classroom. She has already helped to lead Clary off the State's low performing list, and says this is the next step.