Media & Critics Twist Islam to "Extremism"

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Western Media, critical of Islam is quick

to attack Islam and anyone who tries to live according to the teaching of the prophet, peace be upon him, saying he is an "extremist"...

Here is an example of a story taken from a media website, claiming to understand the workings inside the mind of a mixed up, radicalized youth who is accused of trying to blow up a flight to Detroit Michigan during Christmas holidays>>>

Abdulmutallab, who had just turned 18, got involved with a chatroom online while preparing to travel to from west Africa to a university in the UK. "I won't go into too much detail about my fantasy but basically they are jihad fantasies" he wrote. That was February of 2005.
"how the great jihad takes place. how muslims win and rule the whole world and establish the greatest empire again"

Abdulmutallab introduced himself to others online saying he was planning to apply to universities in California like Stanford, Berkely and Cal-Tech, to study engineer, he also mentioned he had been given an offer by Imperial College in London, UK.

"can u b my friend?" he seemed to plead online, appearing to be a very lonely teen, while describing himself in terms like, "ambitious", "determined" and commited to his faith.

His writings talked about his "sexual urges" and included statements like, "i have no friend not because i do not socialize etc but because either people do not want to get to close to me as they go partying and stuff while i dont or they are bad people who befriend me and make me do bad things."
He continues, "as i get lonely the natural sexual drive awakens and i struggle to control it sometimes leads to minor sinful activities like not lowering gaze and this problme makes me want to get married to avoid getting aroused but i am only 18".

His love for football was obvious in his writings, especially his support for Liverpool, "how can someone get to like arsenal? i tried but no way. i been to several football stadiums i must say highbury was least impressive tiny junkyard the sort of place in streets of london. what a pity"

June 2005 found him studying Arabic in Yemen, describing the city, "beautiful" and the weather "cool" and "even the brits arent complaining about the heat" and "we just recently got a new student from UK and will be getting another one from UK and US"

Abdulmutallab seems to have become even more lonely and isolated after going to UK's University College of London. Abandoning his love for football, leaving only his religion to occupy his time away from study.

By November he was writing things like "lets save our honor and religion and try stay away from football and do sporting activities more islamically beneficial just like inheritors of prophets the scholars" and in the chatroom he talked about alcohol, music and wine as though it was bad, calling it "haram" [forbidden]. "we all know wine is haram so if musical instruments is also on list then it seems haram too"
"i fear we are at the time now as muslims are calling it (music) like art, interlude, background sound and we have people saying is is halal [permissable]"

His parents visited him him in December and he asked for advice on eating halal meat [kosher for Islam]. He said "meant not slaughtered by Muslims or people of the Book [Bible] is haram for consumption unless necessary. my parents are of the view of foreigners, we are allowed to say "bismillah" and eat any meat"
"it occurs to me i should not eat with my parents cause they use meat i consider haram. but i fear this might cause division and other complicated family problems"
"please reply quick as possible as i eat outside and not at home till i get an answer"

January 2006 in his later posts too the chatroom he scolded female users for not wearing hijab [covering the entire body] saying, "i dont think its allowed to be just friends with someone of opposite sex. except when thinking of marriage or when you work together"

Quiet for over a year, he finally comes back to the website in January of 2009, but only for a short time. Talking about organizing a program at UCL (in UK) called "War On Terror Week", and event attended by a detainee of Guantanamo Bay, Moazzam Begg.

This is more than just a "smoking gun" dear readers. Talk of not wanting the normal pleasure? No company in a modern day co-ed university? Not wanting to enjoy simple pleasures of music, a little wine, maybe along with a female classmate? Worried about the religion of the one slaughtering meat?
Here we see clearly the demented, religiously corrupted mind of a lonely, brainwashed teenager, hopelessly entrapped in what is becoming a movement of extremists and madmen, all infected by too much religion and not enough real life.

<<< We now see how all of this plays right into the hands of the enemies of true Islam - right?

There can be no doubt, the actions of this young man were horrible and criminal. At the same time, Islam is not the cause of the problem here. The real problem is not following Islam in the first place.

Does Islam order us "Do not let the young people get married until they have a master's degree"?
What about the prophet's saying, "Get them married as soon as they are old enough"(?)

Does Islam tell us "Let your children go off to strange places without parental guidance" or "Just send them to the famous college, even if it does have things against Islam"?
What does Allah say to us in the Quran about our family, our children and our own selves?

" O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded."
Surah At Tahreem, 66: 6